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Thursday 20 March 2014

Social class mock

In this clip of shameless, the audience are shown the under class stereotype. The clip begins with thr father entering the kitchen. The house is shown as grey and filled with very dull colours, for example brown all colours used are 'dirty' looking colours suggesting that he is also unclean. In the kitchen there is a lot of mess including alcohol bottles suggesting he is a drunk. This reinforces the stereotype that the underclass are slobs and lazy. His costume and appearance also reinforces this because he wears grey creased tracksuit and had long greasy hair again implying he is unclean. The continuity in this shot is broken when he becomes angry, there are different close ups on his face as he shouts. As he does this he show he has criminal or dangerous characteristics, and shows how unsophisticated he is by using an unsophisticated editing technique.
The shot reverse shot used between the dad and the children shows there is a conflict between them. By doing this it suggests they are a broken family, and reinforces the under class as many of them are not typically happy strong families. The dialogue used, shows they all have Northern accents. Stereotypically this accent is linked to illiteracy as they do not articulate all letters. This reinforces their stereotype by saying they are uneducated. As the girl who I believe to be young as she is wearing a baby pink dressing gown and has her hair in a pony tail, she s holding a baby throughout the scene suggesting it is hers. If this is so it could mean she had a baby when under age, this is more likely to happen in the under class statistically so this reinforces them.

When in the kitchen, the dad is shown in a long shot it show his relationship with his family is not good as he is alone and they are together implying they are close and he is not. Again reinforcing them as a broken family. The fast pace transitions suggest the family are irratic.
The soundtrack when the young boy says "we want you" to his dad, is slow and soft creating a sympathetic mood. This makes the audience pity the boy, as he is innocent but is being exposed to living in a broken under class family. He as a character challenges the under class stereotype.
 When the family go outside there is a long shot of them from above showing that they live in a council estate, reinforcing their stereotype that they are most likely unemployed. There is a tracking shot on the tortoise, behind him unfocused is the families feet. The daughter is not wearing shoes outside implying she is dirty as well.

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