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Monday 17 March 2014

Demise In The Music Industry

  • Illegal downloads are apparently ruining the music industry
  • Music singles have increased 
  • Music albums have decreased
  •  Easier ways of payment- (online rather than shop bought)

Domino Records

This record studio is an independent company.  To market their artists they use "Record store days", this is when they bring their artists music to outlet stores to increase their popularity and fan base. Social networking is a large part of their marketing as well, as they will not have as much money as large studios. They are taking risks with new alternative artists, which is the reason for not having as many successes as people like Simon Cowell who manages One Direction. The more popular the artist is the less marketing needs to be done, for example Beyonce released her album without an marketing and it still managed to get to number 1 on the charts.

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