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Thursday 6 March 2014

Coming down the mountain

Eyeline shots and close up shots are used to challenge the stereotype that he is seen as a victim or ugly/freak. This is because many disabled people are hidden from television shows and cast as actors because society doesn't accept them as "normal" they're seen to be ugly from their appearance and making the camera focus in their face challenges this stereotype as they're given screen time and prominence. Diegetic sounds like the crash and having a loud fast pace soundtrack reinforce the stereotype that he is ugly and a freak because it may symbolise a mental disability and that his mind does not function in a fashion that society deems as "normal". Non diegetic happy music is played that also challenges the ugly/freak stereotype. The dialogue reinforces the stereotype that he is seen to be a victim because the other non-disabled character says that he always needs someone to look after him and watch out for him so he is not taken advantage of. This reinforces the fact that he does not have very much power. But in contrast to this he takes the weatabix from his brother who is not disabled which shows he has more power than him. When the disabled boy is shot it is edited in a way to make him look bright a lively, which challenges the stereotype that he is ugly and a freak. He has a relatively normal costume and this also challenges the stereotype that he is ugly.  The location is a normal household and he is even shown to be outside within a community challenging the stereotype disabled people are lonely and ugly and he is an out cast from society. At the beginning of the scene we see a clear contrast between the disabled boy and the non disabled boy.

 Their room is split in half and the side of the disabled boy is bright, colourful and lively and the side of the non disabled boy is full, boring and lifeless this challenges the stereotype that disabled people are boring an incapable and ugly. This juxtaposition allows us to understand that they have been separated not through a physical barrier but a mental barrier. They are shown to be very different and the boy with the disability is shown to have power in the shot because he has a lot of prominence on screen. Also when their mother leaves she only kissed him goodbye and not the other boy showing he is being forgotten or rejected from the family challenging the stereotype that able bodied people are acceptable in society and disabled people are looked down upon and pushed out of society. The soundtrack used over the able bodies character repeats and is very boring this shows us that his life may be repetitive and boring, this is a characteristic of a disabled person as they are usually shown to not be able to do things for the sleeves and not enjoying life. I think that the able bodied boy tries to represent the fact that even though he has not physical or mental defect that you can still be distant and rejected from society and that disability should not be discriminated against and I think that the disabled boy represents that having a mental disability shouldn't stop of limit peoples lives because they can be just as lively and happy as an able bodied person. I think both characters challenge their stereotypes and go against the "norms" of what they are expected to be like.

1 comment:

  1. This is a 45 minute written response time essay.

    There are some good points here however I am not prepared to give you a mark when this is not representative of what you would do in the exam.

    A U grade is an answer less than 1 side of A4.

    Eyeliner shots???

    close up shots are used to challenge the stereotype that he is seen as a victim or ugly/freak. - WHY, HOW does this work - where is the reason/analysis?

    outkasted - ?
