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Thursday 30 January 2014

30th january

Character / Criminal
The teenagers are grouped together, into the stereotype that youths are often found in a 'gang'.

Shot Type
Extreme long shot show loneliness, isolation, no youth around, only comes out at night. Empty side of the bed demonstration loneliness and loss.

Use of long silences for old people, shows loneliness, isolation, emptiness and reality.

Loud dialogue and shouting with lots of people talking over each other for youths, swearing.

Traditional camera shot types, perspective on elderly, detached, objective.

Point of view.
Shot on a handheld phone for youth, dynamic, immediate, subjective, involved in the scene from their perspective.

Longer length of shot for the elderly and shorter shots for the youths. Traditional continuity for the elderly and discontinuity shows rebellion, energy and intoxication of youth.

Non Diagetic Sound
Grime:Fast pace up beat loud. Harsh and aggressive  modern music for young people, symbolises intoxication and anger.

L k with strobes and backlit, representing night life/club, or threatening hiding in the shadows.

Lighting & proxemic codes
Avoids the underpass, graffiti and darkness going underground = hellish. Vunerability/intimisation goes the long way round.

Costume & Lighting
Suit and tie, traditional, pride in appearance. Kitchen is clean and tidy, washes up after eating shows discipline.

Hooded tops and caps, chav/hoodie culture. Concealment and hidden, criminal costume.

Depth Of Field
Unfocused, shallow to deep focus to represent drug abuse.

L k l for the elderly, miserable or harsh daylight/reality.

High Angle
High angle shots over the youths to show judgement/moral superiority over them. Threatening world below - proxemic codes = symbolises hell below. Curtain drawn across to hide from the world outside.

Static t shots for the elderly representing a slow and static old person.

Prescription drugs on the table show illness/ vunerability.

Crackpipe and '20 bag'. Youths take other drugs to get high, revealing risk-taking, criminality, pushing boundaries, free spirit.

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