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Thursday 5 December 2013

The hustle

How is the representation of gender constructed in the clip?
1.)The mise-en-scene that is used backs up the gender stereotypes. The clip itself is male dominated, as there is only one main female. The main female in the shot wears a blonde wig, conforming to her femininity. The woman is portrayed as clumsy as she loses her ring, also suggesting she is a "bimbo". By showing the woman shopping in an expensive shop it shows her as an upper class female, this may suggest further feminine characteristics because we see her not spending money on "essential" items.
The males in the clip are mainly shown working. The man in the shop is assisting to his customers, and the man shown working on a type of wired alarm. By showing him doing hard labour with electricals conforms to his masculinity as it is a stereotypical job for a man to be a mechanic or electrician. The other men are shown sitting at a bar, dressed in suits. The suit suggest their higher class and importance to the clip. The male shown smoking in the bar implies his masculinity as the cigarette could be seen as a phalic symbol, suggesting he is proud to show it or the alternative is that it could suggest he might be gay.
When the woman is re-introduced as a brunette, she becomes more clever and powerful and therefore more masculine.

2.)the camera is often at a high angle when showing the woman to show at is less powerful however when she becomes brunette and gains more power the camera comes to eye level. When she tries on the dress and bends down to search for the ring the camera goes to a long shot to enthusise her feminine curves and body. The camera tends to stay on long shots when showing the males to show their importance of the shot as they own the camera space.

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