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Monday 24 February 2014

Premock- Briony

Morgan mock exam- sexuality

Morgan Reynolds- Monarch of Glen

Representation of age in Monarch of the Glen 
Amy is represented as mostly a young, alive and rebellious teen. In contrast to the older characters, who wear grey dull colours she wears a bright yellow top reinforcing the stereotype that she is beautiful. The location it is set in challenges the stereotype of youth though because it is set in the countryside and this is traditional of an older generation not a 16-year-old girl. She portrays a reckless, irresponsible teen because she crashes the car and agrees to drive it even though she knows she is unable to. She leaves school and doesn’t finish ant of her gcse’s, which also shows us she is irrational and doesn’t make good choices.  The establishing shot challenges the stereotype that old people are lonely and frail because there is a group of them on screen and they are also doing some kind of manual labour. Low angles are used when the man speaks to Amy and the shot reverse shot shows us the he has the prominence on screen as when she is shown a high angles is shown. This also reinforces that older people have more dominance and have authority over younger people who irresponsible. When the old people are working manually outside this challenges the stereotype that they are vulnerable and frail because the editing is fast paced and they are able to work lifting and moving heavy items such as chairs. Also when they are working an upbeat, fast pace, happy soundtrack is played challenging the stereotype that they are traditional and isolated. Most old people are retired and do not work and if they do work it is usually a laid back job not involving much physical movement. A sympathetic sound track is played when the teenager leaves that represents a lonely and vulnerable stereotype not a spontaneous alive stereotype we would expect from a teenager leaving and running away. The older man has the most screen time in the scene and is shown to have dominance and be in charge of everyone in the scene showing he has an authoritative and responsible stereotype showing us that the scene is from his point of view. 

Briony Costanza- Representation of AGE in Monarch of the Glen.

The representation of age is established throughout the scene. The head teacher is portrayed as being old by his costume, this consists of a dull coloured suit and beard. This costume suggests he is wise which is a stereotype of being old. In contrast to this Amy is presented as a stereotypical teenager. First, her costume is brighter than all the other characters in the scene, this suggests her youth and may foreshadow her rebellion towards the older generations. Amy’s rebellion is shown when she agrees to drive the car, it is clear she is unable to do so when she speaks to herself while in the car. Following this there is a diagetic sound of the car crashing. This sound presents her as an irresponsible teenager.
Amy is represented as immature when she shouts, “I hate you” and runs off. Following this scene the audience are made to feel empathy for her as the soundtrack becomes slow paced and sad. As she is alone in the scene it could imply she is misunderstood by the adults around her and may therefore feel alone. I think that the adults are presented as not understanding the modern day youth. She looks into the mirror, which can be a symbol of beauty, this can be linked to her age as youth is often seen as beautiful. From the way that she is being presented in

Paul the adult in the scene is represented as responsible, because he offers to pay for the damage, which Amy caused in the car crash. This creates a clear difference in the two ages. The conflict between them then develops when they have an argument. Paul has the majority of prominence during it and is also shown using lower angles while she is shown using higher angles this shows he is most dominant.

The location of the scene is based on a farm; the majority of people working on there are elderly. The scene challenges the stereotype of elderly as they are shown doing masculine work with tools you know this because of the props and diagetic sounds used. When showing them work the music is upbeat and happy country music. The soundtrack suggests they are also happy to work, as there are no teenagers or children in the shot it may imply they are happier without them. 

Notes for timed essay-

3.situ-runs away
Doesn't take her gcses
Disobeys her dad
4.relationship of power-
The adults have the power because they tell her to go home
5.difference- it reinforcing or challenging?- reinforces